Saturday, July 27

Tag: Scott Walker

Scott Walker’s ‘Open for Business’ appreciated signs will before long be bypass markers

Scott Walker’s ‘Open for Business’ appreciated signs will before long be bypass markers

Signs championed by previous Gov. Scott Walker that invited guests to Wisconsin as a state "Open for Business" are being transformed into bypass signs. An authority in Gov. Tony Evers' administration said in a letter this month that the signs donning Walker's economic development mantra will be transformed into signs utilized for detours and directions in crisis circumstances. "Therefore, the old signs will be cut in half with no material wasted," said the Feb. 1 letter from Department of Administration enterprise operations administrator James Langdon to Republican Rep. John Macco of Ledgeview. Langdon was reacting to Macco's inquiry about what the Evers administration would do with the signs that were installed under Walker. Walker presented the signs in 2011 as a symbol...