Saturday, July 27

Tag: Ocean

New Ocean Measurements Are Bad News

New Ocean Measurements Are Bad News

Oceans are warming up about 40% quicker than recently estimated, researchers state—which just appears to affirm the world's greatest cerebral pain. Distributed Thursday in Science, an audit of late examinations says Ocean temperatures are more in sync with dire climate model simulations than researchers knew. The new estimations affirm that Oceans could warm 1.5 degrees Celsius and rise just about a foot by 2100 from warming alone, with liquefying ice caps including increasingly, Scientific American reports. The examinations depend on a network of floats estimating Ocean temperatures around the globe; the so-called Argo network, created in the mid 2000s, is viewed as superior to the old technique for boats dropping sensors into the Ocean by copper wire, per the New York Times. A fourth ...