Saturday, July 27

Tag: Leo Vardakas

Ireland says Planned Trump Visit in November Cancelled
World News

Ireland says Planned Trump Visit in November Cancelled

According to (Reuters) in Washington dc the planned tour of the current president of the united states of America has been called off due some scheduling reason. The tour is believed to be one of its kind since it was first time president trump could pay a visit for the first time as the U.S president. In accordance to the Irish government as announced on Tuesday the calling off of trump tour was hiked up by his meeting which he was supposed to meet the Republican house and leadership of the senate in Roosevelt room at the white house, Washington D.C   premises on September 5,2018. However, the white house did not confirm the cancellation at that time, it was claiming that they are still finalizing plans for the planned tour of trump on November to Europe continent. According to pres...