Saturday, July 27

Tag: Innovation

After the folding Samsung Galaxy F, is an extending cell phone next?

After the folding Samsung Galaxy F, is an extending cell phone next?

It took 5 years for Samsung to make their 2013 vision of a folding cell phone genuine, and it is close to sure that Samsung will dispatch their folding Samsung Galaxy F on the twentieth February. It is almost sure anyway that Samsung is as of now working away at what is straightaway, and that could in all likelihood be a rolling, stretchable cell phone, in the event that we read between the lines of a blog entry by Hark-sang Kim is Samsung's Senior Vice President and Head of Visual R&D Team. In the post he discusses the journey to the dispatch of their folding cell phone, and furthermore gave a brief nod to the future, saying: Despite current trends, we are still living in a world where the size of the smartphone display can only be as large as the device itself. At Samsun...