Saturday, July 27

Tag: European Space Agency

This is the most gigantic star ever demolished by a supernova

This is the most gigantic star ever demolished by a supernova

The explosions of stars are some of the most stunning and amazing phenomena found in the universe. Yet a recently observed supernova conflicts with the models for the demise of gigantic stars. In November 2016, the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite spotted something intriguing. Astronomers utilized follow-up observations over the past three years trying to comprehend what they saw. Supernova SN2016iet challenged their desires, and now, cosmologists believe that it's the remnants of the most massive star to be obliterated by a supernova, as per a study published Thursday in The Astrophysical Journal. The supernova has a lot of energy, long duration, unexpected chemical signatures, and a metal-poor environment. That doesn't coordinate with anything astronomers have seen previou...
China Intends to Launch Its Own Probe to Mars Next Year

China Intends to Launch Its Own Probe to Mars Next Year

China's space office intends to dispatch a probe to Mars one year from now, following its recent successful landing on the Moon's far side, as per an announcement from one of the nation's noticeable space researchers. The declaration came in front of the meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, basically a governmental advisory group of delegates from over the Chinese political spectrum. “Over the past 60 years, we’ve made a lot achievements, but there is still a large distance from the world space powers. We must speed up our pace,” Wu Weiren, chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program, said to the China Global Television Network’s CCTV+. “…China will become the third country that is capable of such task after the United States and Russia. Next y...