Saturday, July 27

Tag: China

Best Buy sees development in health care technology for older

Best Buy sees development in health care technology for older

The country's biggest shopper electronics chain, known for selling TV sets, cellphones and laptops, is looking to health care as a major wellspring of its future development. Best Buy Co. said Wednesday that in five years it would like to furnish 5 million seniors with health observing services, which can extend from sensors put all through a home to a pendant worn around the neck. It as of now gives the support of 1 million. It's a piece of the chain's more profound push into the $3.5 trillion U.S. health care market and basic to its objective of coming to $50 billion in yearly income by 2025. The Minneapolis-based chain is taking advantage of a maturing U.S. populace, taking note of that two out of three seniors live with at least two chronic conditions and many need to remain a...
China cautions of war if there should arise an occurrence of move towards Taiwan freedom
World News

China cautions of war if there should arise an occurrence of move towards Taiwan freedom

China's defence ministry cautioned on Wednesday that it was prepared for war if there was a push toward Taiwan's freedom, blaming the United States for undermining worldwide dependability and impugning its arms sales to the self-ruled island. This month, the Pentagon said the U.S. State Department had affirmed sales of weapons requested by Taiwan, including tanks and Stinger rockets estimated to be worth about $2.2 billion. China reacted by saying it would impose sanctions on U.S. firms associated with such a deal. China would make its greatest effort for peaceful reunification, defence ministry spokesman Wu Qian said. “However, we must firmly point out that seeking Taiwan independence is a dead end,” Wu told a news briefing on a national defence white paper, the first in quite...
China Intends to Launch Its Own Probe to Mars Next Year

China Intends to Launch Its Own Probe to Mars Next Year

China's space office intends to dispatch a probe to Mars one year from now, following its recent successful landing on the Moon's far side, as per an announcement from one of the nation's noticeable space researchers. The declaration came in front of the meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, basically a governmental advisory group of delegates from over the Chinese political spectrum. “Over the past 60 years, we’ve made a lot achievements, but there is still a large distance from the world space powers. We must speed up our pace,” Wu Weiren, chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program, said to the China Global Television Network’s CCTV+. “…China will become the third country that is capable of such task after the United States and Russia. Next y...
Trade war update: U.S. and China hold talks in Beijing

Trade war update: U.S. and China hold talks in Beijing

The U.S. and China held deputy-level trade talks in Beijing prior this week. The discussions lasted one day longer than arranged and the two sides issued obscure yet somewhat positive authority articulations about the discourses. My idea bubble: The Chinese do need to make a deal, both in light of the fact that the trade conflict is exacerbating underlying issues in their economy and furthermore in light of the fact that I hear Xi is quite concerned about the possibility of U.S. decoupling from China, particularly in innovation. In any case, the Chinese side can not acquiesce to all US requests without making structural changes that could represent an existential test to the Party's perspective of how the monetary framework should be organized, so regardless of whether there is event...