Saturday, July 27

Tag: Audiobook playback

Google Play Books includes audiobook download quality, adjustable rewind/forward augmentations

Google Play Books includes audiobook download quality, adjustable rewind/forward augmentations

Not long ago, Google presented a Material Theme upgrade for Play Books on Android. Presently broadly taken off, form 5.1.9 today includes a bunch of new highlights for audiobooks, including audio quality and download size, just as adaptable in backward/forward additions. There is a new “Audiobook playback” section in settings in the wake of “Reading” and before “Notifications.” An “Audio quality” menu enables clients to pick between Standard (smaller file) and High (larger file). This choice must be set at a high-level, and not on a per book basis. Also, the application does not list file sizes for every thing at download. Given the extensive sizes, it's a valuable setting for managing storage following Play Books including an audiobooks store and bolster early a year ago. The...