Saturday, July 27

New Pictures of Ryugu Asteroids Reveals a Distinctly Dice-like Shape

Being a hot pursuit for more than 1.5 years, Japan’s Hayabusa has revealed 2 images of a distinctly dice-like shaped object revolving about 180 million miles from earth space. According to the Ryugu asteroids images, this object resemblance is similar to a dumpling or a spinning unexplored object. For the first time, Hayabusa spacecraft approach has revealed Ryugu for the initial time. This exceptional sharpening views of the spinning object are closing in as asteroid scientist sample this year.

According to reports at the Ryugu asteroids station, this 900-meter wide spinning asteroid has never been visited in any space missions before. On Dec. 3, 2014, Japanese H-2A rocket was launched aboard. This is second Japan’s Hayabusa 2 space mission which was dedicated to bringing back more samples, measurements, and information about this distinctly dice-like shaped creature through Ryugu asteroids back to the station on Earth.

This predecessor mission named Hayabusa returned lots of samples with microscopic specimens from Itokawa asteroid in 2010 from an initial malfunction which hindered the capturing of material as planned. According to Makoto Yoshikawa,” Hayabusa have made some major technology changes and adjustments from S-type asteroid to a stone type S asteroid like the Itokawa.

This new mission was based on the carbon radio dating which indicates that the solar planet system was formed 4.5 billion years ago. The newly built C-type Hayabusa asteroid is richer in the solar system’s carbon. According to an interview with the spaceflight in the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, they said that “the Hayabusa 2 mission was understanding the water and matter system occupied by the solar system. This was the reason as to why this second mission was a big difference.

About the speed of Hayabusa rotation on every 7.6 hours, with same rotation and speed, it was noted from the ground that this particular spacecraft rotates once. Nevertheless, Ryuya was too small to actually capture the shape of this asteroid until when the Hayabusa went much closer to it.

According to the Hayabusa 2’s scope, the asteroid looked like a spinning top known as ‘coma’ in Japan which was wider on it’s equatorial than it’s poled. JAXA website posted earlier this week that this is only possible from small objects which are rotating at very high speeds

Disclaimer: The views, suggestions, and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No A News Week journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.